Wednesday, February 9

Bambi Eyez on Threadless!

Dear friends,

I finally did it! I have submitted one of my designs to Threadless. You can help me get my design printed by going to Threadless and scoring it a 5 (which is the Highest) or commenting under the image. If my design is printed, Threadless will pay me $2,500 in cash and prizes for it! Please help spread the word and hopefully my design will be printed on lots of shirts for beautiful people to wear every day. Click here to VOTE!
(please note you do have to register to Threadless to make your vote)

If you like my design feel free to forward the link onto friends and family...

Much love from Bambi Eyez

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment, your very welcome for the link. I actually already have voted for you, I gave you a 5! Good luck with it, let me know if you win.
